先日の出血の時は Early Pregnancy Unit という所に行ったが、今回は Ultrasound Unit だ。日本は頻繁に超音波検査して、そのたびに写真を貰ってくるみたいだが、イギリスでは特に問題がなければ最低2回だけらしい。NHSは無料だから余計なコストは省くってことね。今回のスキャンにはパートナーも連れてきて OK って書いてある。Jason は出張中だ。残念がっている。胎児の写真は希望すればいくらかで購入できる。その収益金は Ultrasound Unit の改善に使われるらしい。さすがイギリスだ。
I received a letter from the Royal London Hospital. It's about the first Ultrasound scan appointment on 08/06/04 (Tue). My baby will be just 12 weeks and 1 day old on the day. I reckon I am going through Down's syndrome screening but it does not state clearly on the letter. It just says that this scan is one of the two scans we go thorough during pregnancy: 12th and 20th week. I feel a bit worried. If I am not screened for Down's syndrome, what shall I do? Or does Down's syndrome screening is a part of the usual 1st scan for everybody?
I went to the Early Pregnancy Unit when I had bleeding but this time I am going to the Ultrasound Unit.In Japan, pregnant women go through more scans and get many scan photos but in the U.K., twice only if there are any problem. NHS is fee and they will not perform unnecessary examinations. Delivery of baby is also covered by NHS in this country and unlike in Japan, we do not spend our own money during pregnant. I can bring Jason to this scan but unfortunately he will be on business trip to Korea. He gets a bit disappointed! If we want, they will sell us scan photos and the profit will be spent on improving the scan department.
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