先週はNew MaldenとKingstonがどんなところか見にいったが、今日はSt MargaretsとRichmondへ。St Margaretsでは3件の物件を見た。天気がよかったのでテムズ川沿いで日向ぼっこしている人が大勢いた。やっぱりRichmondはいい。アラタは毎週末、車の中でかわいそう。車内でおっぱいあげたり、おむつを替えたり。今日は、カーシートにつけたおもちゃで少し遊んだ。
We went to New Malden and Kingston to see the area. Today, we've been to Richmond and St Margarets. We saw 3 flats in St Margarets but I still prefer Richmond. The weather was nice and many people were sitting at the river side. It's a bit pity for Arata as he is in a car for long hours every weekend. I have to feed him in the car, Jason has to change his nappies in the car.... Arata was playing with a toy attached to the car seat for a while this afternoon.
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