Thursday 9 February 2006

1Y1M ジュー Juuu




Arata didn't feel well today. He had no appetite and only had a bit of banana. His cold must be too bad. I also have a cold from Arata and I've had a terrible sore throat and slight headache. And we had 3 hour nap this afternoon. I think our flat is too dry. We put up washings and boiled some water in the bedroom just now. Hopefully, the room will be not so dry tonight.

Arata calls any sort of drinks, 'Juuu.' Water, juice and formula are all 'Juuu.' A couple of days ago, he woke up in the middle of the night crying 'Juuu, Juuu........' I gave him some formula and he went back to sleep. When he finds a bottle, he immediately reacts it by saying 'Juuu' and I've been teaching him it's not juice but milk. So far no effect on him. Anyway, Arata can express his feelings of hunger with a word. This is quite human and a big step.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

 すごーいおしゃべりできるんだ。「ジュージュー」って言っているあらた君の声が聞きたいわ。 ミルクはやはり言いにくいんだろうな。友達の子が「ミンミン」って言ってた。>

Anonymous said...
