昨日は、Coign Churchでプレイグループのクリスマスパーティーがあった。タカラは生まれて初めてサンタとの対面?のはずが、いつも通り、バウンサーで寝たまんま。
今日、St Peters' Hospitalにアラタのじんましんのフォローアップに行った。診てもらったのはアレルギー専門や皮膚科ではなく、小児科の先生。彼女はペニシリンの副作用には懐疑的で、ウイルス性と診断。ペニシリンの副作用は服用開始後割とすぐに現れるからだそうだ。今でも寒いとじんましんが出るって事は、まだウイルスが体内にあるってこと?それとも、ウイルス感染がきっかけで、じんましん体質になったってこと?
We had a Christmas party at Coign Church yesterday. It could have been a very exciting moment as it was Takara's first ever encounter to father Christmas. But as usual, Takara was fast asleep when he received a present.
We went to St Peters' Hospital for Arata's hives' follow-up. The doctor was not an allegy specialist but just a pediatrician. She didn't agree with the GP who said it might be a reaction to penicillin because such reaction usually starts more immediate. She thinks it's viral and Arata can keep taking penicillin in the future if he needs. Does this mean the virus is still in Arata? He's still got hives when he was outside. Or was a viral infection the trigger and Arata is now allergic to coldness and we can not do anything? The doctor suggested us giving him anti-histamine whenever necessary. That's all she can do. It's too early to perform any tests on him as young children often change their body as they grow up. We need to watch him as Jason's both parents sides have family history of allergy. Is that all? Am I convinced? I don't know....
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