かわのが遊びに来てくれたので、PirbrightのパブThe Royal Oakでランチ。(写真は2週間前。)その後
Crockford Bridge ファーム

Kawano came to see us. We went to our favourite pub 'The Royal Oak' in Pirbright for lunch. (This photo was taken 2 weeks ago.)
And then we went to
Crockford Bridge Farm.
We've been to this farm recently with my friends and their children.
At the entrance of its 'Pick your own' section, there is a slide for children and a big tree under which we can have a picnic. In the spacious field, children can run around but we can still see where they are. At the garden centre, they have Costa coffee as well. We went there today to have ice cream, but Arata did his first strawberry picking, too. He enjoyed it very much!
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