Against all odds, Takara didn't get chickenpox. The GP who saw Arata told Jason that Takara will most likely get it. The life of Aratakara is so mixed up. They use each other's spoons or straws, and eat the biscuit other one left half eaten. I also expected Takara to get it and I even canceled his scheduled MMR 2 weeks ago, as I wasn't sure if it's ok to have MMR even when he was about to break out chickenpox.
Antibodies from mother last for 6 months from birth. But breast-fed babies keep getting antibodies from mother's milk and they tend to get less sickness even after the first 6 months. Probably that's the key. Yes, I'm still breastfeeding Takara. My friend Detlef, who is a doctor, also thinks this is the reason. I wonder if it is proved scientifically? I remember that the quality of breast milk changes as baby grows. I wonder what sort of goodies are still contained in the breast milk after 1 year?
Anyway, I'm so impressed by the natural human milk! To be honest, I've been thinking about stopping it, as I stopped for Arata at around his first birthday, but I just haven't been able to. Arata stopped taking breastmilk in the middle of winter. Soon after he started going to nursery and he had so much colds and infections. I wonder if I hadn't stopped breastfeeding, it might have been different? I think I will not stop breastfeeding Takara till next spring. (Unless he weans by himself.) Let's see...
I'm sure that the GP who saw Arata's chickenpox didn't expect Takara still have breastmilk. NHS recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. But in fact, less than the half mothers still breastfeed when babies are 6 weeks, and till 6 months, the number drops 1/4. On the contrary, I have a couple of Japanese friends who were still breastfeeding when their children were over 2 or even 3 years old.
Probably it's due to different social expectations. In Japan having babies by c-section is still regarded as 'not proper birth'. (They believe women must suffer great pain during child birth!) In the same way, breastfeeding is the 'right' answer and lots of them think there is no other option. In a couple of Japanese sites say 'Children under 1 year old don't usually get chickenpox.' This must be based on the fact there are a quite number of 12 months old still breastfed in Japan? WHO recommend breastfeeding for the first 2 years.
In this photo, Takara is with Ikuko from Ottawa, who was on her way to Australia on business.
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