Sunday 16 March 2008

3Y2M 1Y5M 下腹部痛 Lower abdominal pain



ネットで調べると、卵巣嚢胞(Ovarian cysts)には2種類の機能性嚢胞(排卵に伴って形成される良性のもので、症状がない)があり、それぞれ卵胞嚢胞(らんぽうのうほう Follicular cyst)と黄体嚢胞(おうたいのうほう Corpus luteum cysts)と呼ばれる。 卵胞嚢胞は排卵前に卵が入っている袋が何らかの理由で破れずそのまま大きくなってしまったもの。通常1-3ヶ月で消滅する。黄体嚢胞は袋が破れて排卵するが、そのまま閉じてしまい中に液体が溜まってしまう。こちらも数週間で消滅。





28 Feb Thu(Day 1)原因不明の嘔吐&下痢

02 Mar Sun(Day 4)吐き気&下痢&偏頭痛

03 Mar Mon(Day 5)09Marまで下腹部不快&下痢


09 Mar Sun(Day 11)この後一時的によくなった気がするが・・・

14 Mar Fri(Day 16)踊る

15 Mar Sat(Day 17)夕食後に下腹部痛

16 Mar Sun(Day 18)夕食後に激しい下腹部痛

17 Mar Mon(Day 19)医者に行く、下腹部不快だが強い痛みなし

I've been very unwell since Saturday again. After dinner, I had a lower right abdominal pain and went straight to bed. On Sunday, I felt a bit better but again after dinner, I had very severe intense pain. I had to walk crouching to reduce the pain, gently touching on my stomach caused a strong pain and when I moved, the pain worsened. I checked on the net and it sounded like either appendicitis or some sort of women conditions. The pain got worse and I was seriously tempted to call 999. Jason suggested that I should try going to sleep and if it didn't work, we call NHS direct, so I tried to have some sleep.

Fortunately, I could manage to sleep and I felt much better this morning. I went to see a GP. The doctor, Dr Shiel, diagnosed as Follicular cyst, considering the facts I didn't get worse, I had no temperature, the pain is lower than the appendices is, and it's happening during the ovulation. She said it will get better naturally.

I've checked on the internet about Follicular cyst. There are 2 types of functional ovarian cysts (not cancerous and normal process during ovulation). They are Follicular cyst and Corpus luteum cysts. Follicular cyst occurs when the sack of egg doesn't open and release an egg. It gets bigger but it disappear within a few weeks. With Corpus luteum cysts, the egg is released but after that the bag doesn't dissolve but close and getting bigger. These also disappear on their own but sometimes can rupture and cause pain.

So they are quite common for any women but most of the time, they disappear on their own and we don't even realise them. Sometimes, during check-up, they are found or like me, when we have a great pain we get to know it.

If I read symptoms carefully, I feel I have rather Corpus luteum cysts because I had a terrible pain and I've read somewhere that sometimes exercises cause the rupture of cysts. I went to the gym twice last week and I went dancing on Friday evening. When the pain started on Saturday, it was like a pulling pain and I jokingly said to Jason, "Probably dancing has caused the organs which are attached together by adhesion to take apart!" (I suspect I have adhesion after my second c-section...) Well, the doctor said it's because 'mid-cycle' I have Follicular cyst. I haven't fond any evidence on the net it's the key between Follicular cyst and Corpus luteum cysts yet, though.

Most of the sites say CT scan and blood tests can confirm ovarian cysts. I was only checked with my urine sample. Is it good enough? I feel a bit worried....

I'm not sure if my vomit when I was in Malta is anything to do with this, but I've just decided to keep the records for my information.

28 Feb Thu(Day 1) Vomiting & diarrhoea

02 Mar Sun(Day 4) Vomiting, diarrhoea & migraine

03 Mar Mon(Day 5) Till 09 Mar uncomfortable around abdomen & diarrhoea


09 Mar Sun(Day 11) I thought I was getting better・・・

14 Mar Fri(Day 16) Dancing at pub

15 Mar Sat(Day 17) Abdominal pain started in the morning and got worse after diner

16 Mar Sun(Day 18) After dinner, intense lower right abdominal pain

17 Mar Mon(Day 19) Went to GP, not much pain, still uncomfortable


Anonymous said...


そんなに痛かったんだ、大変だったね。それだと、気持ちの問題について聞く余裕は無かったのかな? 痛みは自然に消えるものなら良いけど...お大事にね!>

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...







Anonymous said...
