Big Apple のソフトプレイエリアでラビアのバースデーパーティーがあった。ラビアのご家族は、中国新疆自治区ウルムチ近郊出身のウイグル人で、ママのハリアとご主人は現在大学で勉強をしている。そして、ハリアには、私が勤務を増やした5月から週2回程、ベビーシッターをお願いしている。

We went to the soft play area of Big Apple for Ravia's birthday party. Ravia is Uyghur and her family are from near Urumqi, in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China. Her mother, Hurriya, she and her husband are studying at university, babysits Aratakara for 2 days a week, since I changed my working days to nearly full time in May.
Hurriya is bright, polite and trustworthy person. As we are the same Asian, I feel comfortable with her and I believe it was the right choice to ask her to babysit my kids. I got to know her through Adiba and I was quite surprise to know that Uzbek and Uyghur are similar languages and they can understand each other with their own language, even though there is another country, Kyrgyztan in between. I often learn that central Asia is very interesting in both creaturely and ethnically.
Aratakara get on well with Hurriya and as she often brings Ravia as well, Aratakara always look forward to playing with her. (According to Hurriya, Ravia tells her friends that she babysits 2 "babies"!) Takara has already picked up some Uyghur. He calls Hurriya, "Apa ( = mother)." He must have picked it up from Ravia. And as he loves her a lot, he often shouts "Apppaaa!" out of blue. We then have to reassure that she is not coming today. Hurriya said to me, "Oli likes kissing me. He tried to kiss even my lips!" Well, that's the best way of showing his affection!
Naturally, Hurriya has also started to pick up some Japanese words. She has learnt "Hikoki ( = air plane)" and when I saw her last time she asked me, "What does 'Koko baba' mean?" I had to say, "Takara says that when he wants something to eat but unfortunately no Japanese can understand it. It's Takara's own language!" We both laughed!
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