食事後はパブSOHOへ繰り出した。初めて行ったが、完全に英国パブの雰囲気で、懐かしくフットボールゲームをやってしまった。酔っ払ってきてその場で立って踊っていたのは私達のグループだけだったけど、天気がよくなかったため今ひとつ盛り上がりに欠けたのかな。もっとお店が込んでいたら踊るノンマレーシアンも多そうな雰囲気。QEIIやスリップリーセニョリータ(Slippery Senoritas )などより飲み物も安め。

Jason and I had a night out at E&O hotel. We had a dinner buffet. Drinks are also included. We really enjoyed ourselves. Well, I decided to do this as Jason keeps complaining.... "You always go out with friends", "You always have a nice lunch at a nice restaurant", "You always go to have facial, nails and massages"...... "and never me!"
It was on the Earth Day in Malaysia today. I've never heard of this event even in the U.K., but Malaysian were well informed and everyone was talking about it; oh, you have to switch off the lights for one hour from 8.30! Lots of street lights were turned off and at E&O, some lights were also turned off. It was more romantic in that way.
We then went to a pub called 'SOHO'. Surely it reminded me of the one in England. They have a football game table and we of course played it! Although we were the only group standing and dancing after a while, if the weather had been better, there would have had more people and there must be more non-Malaysian who will stand up and dance. That's kind of atmosphere. The drinks are much cheaper than at QEII or Slippery Senoritas.
We joined Francine and her friend at the pub. She told me she goes out with her husband on once a week basis. They have 2 children at the same age as Aratakara as well and they hire a baby sitter to go out. It's a good idea. Otherwise Jason and I have no time for each other. We need to do it more often, like once a month. Jason wants to do it once in 2 weeks. Well, it's good as we are really relaxed without children and we can enjoy ourselves.
イギリスも、今年初めてじゃないかな、8時半から1時間、電気を消そうと言うのをやりました。私はNinagawa 十二夜を見に行っていたので関係なかったけど、Tower Bidge, Big Ben, St Paul等、ライトアップを消したそうです。
あ、ごめん、Jason、a 抜かしちゃった!
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