

(サンタの写真はby Maki)
Merry Christmas!
We had a Christmas party at our place last night and Jason became Santa.
Jason had been telling me excitingly, "Maybe no children will realise it's me", for a few weeks and he was very much looking forward to it. I kept telling him, "Everybody will know it's you immediately", trying to cool him down.
And Jason played very hard. During the party he left us saying, "I'm going to hospital" as he'd really burnt his finger while doing roast. Then he went upstairs to Maki's to get changed.
When the Santa entered from the main entrance, all the children, except for Ruka who knew the trick, got frozen. Jason looked very Santa as he had put some padding around his tummy and he spoke only English, he usually speak Japanese to us, with unusually low voice. He gave each child a present and left.
Yuna, only 3 years old, said, "Why is Daddy Santa?" All the mothers went, "Shhhhhhhhh." Takara was holding my skirt all the way. He must have been scared.
After Jason came home from "hospital", Taira kept asking him, "It wasn't you, Daddy?," hoping he saw the real Santa. It was so sweet! (By the way, all Aratakara's friends call Jason "Daddy".) Miina is just 2 and she believed she saw Santa. That's we expected anyway. What surprised us was.... Aratakara didn't realise it was their father! Later Arata told Jason he saw a real Santa. Arata even told me, "I saw a Santa, who didn't disguise as a Santa, for the first time!" So cute!
On Christmas day, Aratakara got up very early. They wanted to open all the presents under the tree. It's not like in Japan, we have presents from and to every direction; from Arata to Takara, from Takara to Mummy..... plus those from our relatives in Japan and New Zealand.
In addition, we always prepared the presents from "Santa". After Aratakara went to sleep last night, Jason put them outside of our sitting room, on the balcony. Arata, who got up first this morning, found them when he went to open the doors at balcony. He said, "Santa knows what I want!" Happy ending!
Entertaining our sons for Christmas is fun but hard work for us. I wonder how many more years they will keep believing Santa. It was successful this year but Arata has come up with a few questions. Why Santa came twice? Why Santa came while Arata and his friends were up and around, Santa usually comes while kids are sleeping? Why the presents from the second Santa were put in the Christmas hats they were playing night before, which were left inside.....
Next year, we must be more careful. But for now, I have to discard all the remaining wrapping paper used for the presents from "Santa". All the Jason Santa photos must be saved somewhere else but not on my PC (we often browse through photos together on PC). For this weblog entry, I use a small photo, just in case... because Arata is very sharp....
Thank you, Jason, well done!
(Santa photo by Maki)
Merry Christmas!
(●^o^●) (^0_0^)
あはは!久しぶりに見たけどJ Santaたいへんだ。
アラタ!! タカラ!!
(●^o^●) (^0_0^)
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