Arata still doesn't like the swimming lessons. Before the class, he always complaines it's scary and I don't want to go, or he insists to go to toilet, or he complains he is too tired. I don't care whatever he says, I just send him. I hope it won't be his traumatic experience....?
Anyway, he's been taking the lesson for over 2 months. I counted how many times he can take breathes now today. He could do it for 16 times. Literally he can now swim from the one end to the other, some part is very deep, about 13M, without floats.
He usually screams at Mr Lee, during the lesson, "I will be drown! I can't!!" but he didn't say anything today for the first time. Well done, Arata!
When they swim back from the far end, they all do the back stroke. It seems to be easier for Arata since he doesn't have to worry about breathing, and he is very good at it. Even when Mr Lee tells them they can stop now, Arata usually keeps swimming comfortably. (The one at very front in this photo is Arata.)
すごいね! もう13Mも泳げるなんて。
才能あるよ~。 マナも月2回、スイミング行ってるけど そんなに泳げないし まして
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