IWAとFoodFriendsが来週開催する、Luschious Ladies Day In Shades Of Pinkイベントの記者会見がE&Oホテルであった。私はIWA役員として参加。
イベントの収益金はMOUNT MIRIAM CANCER HOSPITALに寄付することになっている。


I went there to attend the press conference for the upcoming IWA and FoodFriends event, Luschious Ladies Day In Shades Of Pink. The room was prepared exactly we can imagine from the words "press conference". I was just there as an IWA board member and a couple of us were being silly before the actual conference started. (The first photo is the actual press conference.)
Incidentally, they were filming a German film at the hotel. Quite a few European expatriates in Penang, who I can recognise, were in the 1930s costume hanging around as an extra.
It's as if I was watching filming at the Kenwood house in Hamstead Heath. My feeling of missing London came back to me for a while.
The sign of the British pub inside the hotel was also changed for the filming. As they were filming a scene of Indonesia, the bar had some Dutch signs as well.

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