Sunday 8 September 2013

8Y8M 6Y11M 桜井進セミナー Susumu Sakurai's Maths is fun seminar






I've been so busy in the last 6 months because we, Penang Japanese Saturday School, have been planning Susumu Sakurai's maths is fun seminar.!sakurai-programme/c1d0s

The 2 days seminar have finished successfully. There were over 600 attendees to 5 sessions. The surplus from the seminar is donated to Penang Japanese Saturday School and will be used as our running costs. Thank you for your support.

As a steering group member, I've been relieved but exhausted.

Well, the best part of it was I had a chance to talk with Mr Sakurai and other male helpers from Sony. It was quite refreshing to talk to Japanese men with science background. The meeting reminded me of my university days when I belonged to a baseball team of Science and Technology faculty, although my major was Education....

Of course, my boys attended a couple of sessions and they didn't seem to concentrate on them. But I was wrong. Arata is now interested in how to count big numbers in Japanese. A tiny influence, but very important.

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