LEORI's 8th birthday party. Reo and Oliver (Takara) were both born on 2nd Oct 2006. Since their 3 year old birthday, we've always had our birthday party together. This is our 6th and the last party as Reo's family is going back to Japan for good.
Reo and Oliver have attended the same nursery, Taska Lin, same primary school, SCIPS, Japanese Saturday School, and both fathers play for Tairyo softball team. Boys have seen each other and played together at many occasions. We all feel sad to see them leaving....
最後なので盛大にマジシャンを呼びました。We invited a magician.
トリックにひっかかり子供達大爆笑。Takara was tricked and all kids burst into laughter.
ボール入れゲームは、お父さんの部もあって盛り上がり。Ball game - after this, fathers had to participate to the game too.
過去5度のパーティーの歴史を写真でディスプレイしてみました。 We printed photos from our previous parties.
今日の二人のケーキ。Today's birthday cakes
メイクアウイッシュ!Make a wish!
マリオ登場!Mario came to celebrate with us too!
みなさんありがとうございました。Thank you for coming!!!
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