Tuesday, 20 September 2016

11Y9M 9Y11M ガーニーワーフ Gurney Wharf


For Gurney Wharf construction, land reclaiming has started from in front of our condominium. 

Spraying concrete コンクリートを撒いている

You can also see the outline of the planned artificial island 前方には人口島の外環も見えてきた

After heavy rain, the outline was partially submerged....  大雨の後一部水没・・・大丈夫か・・・?

これが完成予想図。第一フェーズは2018年に完成の予定とのこと。 The first phase is supposed to finish in 2018.

The park area by the sea is now under construction 海岸沿い公園部分の埋め立て開始

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