Sunday, 25 April 2004

5W 6D Birgit is staying with us. ビルギットがミュンヘンから遊びに来てる。

ビルギットが今週末遊びに来てる。今朝はバルコニーで朝食を採り、カナリーワーフまで散歩した。彼女がGod Childの話しをしている。「あと一人ぐらいはやってもいいよ」なんて言ってる。生理がまだ来ない私は、一瞬、本当に私の赤ちゃんのGod Motherになってもらおうかしらなんて思ったりする。パブで休憩したが、なんとなく、妊娠してたらと思い、オレンジジュース&レモネードを飲む。

Birgit and me, Background - Canary Warf

Birgit from Munchen has been staying with us. We had breakfast at balcony this morning, and had a walk to Canary Wharf. She was talking about her God Child, adding, 'I can have one more. That's all.' The idea that my baby's god mother is German will be quite cool, just came across my mind, because my period has still delayed. We had a break at a pub, but I just had an Orange juice and Lemonade, having thought just in case I am pregnant......

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