Jason が無事昨日帰って来た。フライトNo. と日付をあらかじめテキストしておくと、「予測到着時刻」、「空港へのアプローチ開始時」、「到着後」にテキストが送られてくる Vodafone のサービスがある。Jason の帰国便も、そうやってチェックしてみたが、到着予測時刻の約5分前に受け取った「アプローチ開始」テキストを見て、すぐにオフィスの窓に駆け寄った。ビルの南側はテムズ川に面していて、その向こうの空がヒースロー空港へのメインの航路だ。ビンゴ!上半分が青い機体、テールフラグにあの赤と青の丸模様が見える。Jason の乗ってる大韓航空
私はフレンチのクラスがあったため、帰宅した時には Jason は既に、シャワーを浴び、洗濯も終えて、ベッドでうとうとしてた。10日ぶりに会った Jason はちょっと肥えていて、キムチのにおいがした。そういえば韓国にはまっていた15年程前、金浦空港に着くたびにこんな匂いがしていたなあ。キムチとにんにくをよく食べるから、みんな毛穴からキムチの匂いがするのだ。Jason もおいしい韓国料理を食べまくったに違いない。ちぇっ。私だって、妊娠さえしていなければ彼の出張について行ったのに…と、既に独身の身軽さがなつかしい。
おみやげに、今日本で話題の「冬のソナタ」の DVD を買ってきてくれた。って言ってもハングルのタイトルを書いた紙を渡して頼んでおいたのだが。英語字幕付きで45ポンドぐらい、約 9000 円だから、まあまあの値段かな。それと、キムチ、コチジャン(どうやらこれは私のハングルが違ってたらしく、お店で字を見比べてもぴったりのがなくて、悩んだらしい)、のり、お茶、ヌードルなど食べ物もたくさん!嬉しい!
今朝は、彼はかなり朝早くに目が覚めたらしく、私が起きたときには既に、リビングルームのソファーの右端で、たっぷたっぷとインターネットをする見慣れた光景があった。時差ボケかな?いや、実は、昨日は寝ている間に、少なくとも3度は彼を、蹴って殴ったのだ。そのたびに Jason がうめくから、私も目が覚めて覚えているのだが… この 10 日間、あの大きなベッドを一人占め、文字通り「大」の字になって寝ていた私は、ベッドの自分の陣地だけではじっとしていられなくなったようだ。困ったなあ。
Jason came back to England yesterday. There is a service by Vodafone that 3 text
messages, 'Estimated Arrival Time', 'When approach to the runway starts'
and 'Landed time', are sent to mobile phone if the flight number and date
are initially sent. I was checking his return flight using this
service and I received 'approaching' message just 5 minutes before
the estimated arrival time. I ran to the window. The south side of
our office is facing to the Thames river and if you look up and
slightly further distance, it's the main approaching route to the
Heathrow airport. Yes! There it is! I can see an aircraft, which is
in blue on the top half and its tale flag has a blue and read round shaped logo. That must be a Korean Air that Jason is on board! I was
quite happy to spot it because I am a bit of aircraft freak, only a bit,
When I got home after attending a French class, Jason had already
taken shower, finished washing and was dozing in bed. After '10
days, Jason is a bit fatter than before and he smells of Kimchi! I went to Korea a couple of times in the late 80s, and I always smelled
Kimchi as soon as I landed at Kimpo Airport. The Korean eat Kimchi &
garlic more than we think and they smell garlic like we Japanese smell soy source! Jason must have had lots
of nice Korean food. Well, if I wasn't pregnant, I would
have gone to Seoul with him...... I've already started to envy the
light footwork of the singles.
I showed the photo of the fetus to Jason, but no particular
reactions. Well, it's probably because the baby still looks like something like an ant, the head and the body are the only main parts of the body...
Jason bought 'Fuyu no sonata' DVDs with English subtitles. The story has become very popular in
Japan. Before he left, I gave him a piece of paper on which I wrote down its Korean
title in Korean. It's a part of his shopping list. The DVD set is about 45 pounds, which is the equivalent of 10,000 yen. Not bad. He also got Kimchi, Korean Nori, tea, noodle and Kochi Jan. He said that he found it difficult to spot the correct 'Jan' as I wrote it in Korean
incorrectly on the shopping list. Anyway, all food! Very happy!
This morning, he must have woken up very early. When I got up, he had been already in the sitting room, sitting in the right corner of the sofa
and surfing the internet. Very familiar view. Dose
he suffer from the jet lag? Well, I know I kicked and punched him at
least 3 times throughout the night.... I can remember them because each time
he groaned and I was also woken up. While he was away for 10 days, I
was so used to using the huge bed on my own. All space was mine and I
was moving around from the right edge to the left, from the bottom to the
top. And now, I can not stay quietly within my territory any more.....
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