Sunday, 20 June 2004

13W 6D チョコレートとポテトチップ Chocolate and crisps


そういえば、やはり、少しだが、お腹がふっくらしてきたようだ。ぴたっとしたTシャツをよく着るのだが、胃の辺りから下っ腹にかけてちょっと出てる。脂肪太りはもうちょっと下の方だけだったから、明らかに違う位置だ。でも体重はほとんど変化なくまだ 56Kg ぐらい。一番太っても通常体重の 5Kg 増しぐらいまでに押さえる事がその後のためにもいいらしい。私の通常体重って最近どのぐらいだったかよく分からないのだが、多分 60 から 62 Kg までは OK って事なのだろう。

としさんが私の妊娠についてもう知っているわけだが、彼は既に二児の父。経験は豊富だ。私がチョコレートやポテトチップをばりばり食べていると、「そんな刺激物は食べちゃだめです」とイエローカードが出される。彼の奥さんは、妊娠中にはそういうものは一切控えていたそうだ。Jason にも注意されている。チョコレートを食べると、糖分が満腹感を促すので、栄養分のバランスの取れた食事をしようとしてもお腹が空かなくてきちんと食べられないらしい。ポテトチップは、塩分が多いから妊娠中毒症の危険がある。金曜日にうちで夕飯を食べながら、としさんにもらうイエローカードがどんどん溜まっていく話しを Jason にしたら 「チョコレートとポテトチップは要注意って俺も前に言ったでしょ」と言われた。私は慌ててリビングルームのごみ箱の中身を隠しに走る。時既に遅し。Jason がごみ箱の中身を覗くと、そこには、さっき会社から帰ってきてすぐに食べたポテトチップの空き袋と、チョコレートの食べ散らかした跡を発見されてしまった・・・。

さて、Jason はとうとう昨日、おかあさんに私の妊娠を告げたそうだ。お母さんはとても喜んでいたらしい。そして、その後の Jason の話しは、初孫がもうすぐ見られる興奮のため、上の空だったそうだ。世界共通、お母さん達は、おばあちゃんになるって事はものすごく嬉しいことのようだ。Jason のお母さんにも喜んで貰えて本当によかった。お腹の中の赤ちゃんは、私たち2人だけじゃなく、日本やニュージーランドにいるお母さんやお父さん達もハッピーにさせている。自分が生れた時もそうやって、親や祖父母を幸せな気分にしていたんだなと、世間で言われている通り、自分が親になろうとしていることで初めて気づく。

On Friday, when I talked to Yukiyo on the phone that I would not be able to come to her place, I added, 'I will explain what's wrong with me tomorrow.' Surprisingly she replied, 'Are you pregnant?' They are also trying a baby. Those who have same interests can spot things easily, I reckon. 'That's why you've stopped drinking.' Well, probably Ed, who is sitting next to me, for example, must have already realised my pregnancy because she also wants to have a baby.

I can see a tiny bump now. I like to wear quite tight T-shirt type tops and when I look down, I can see a protruding curb from around under the breasts. I have started to build up some fat around my tummy as getting older, but the fattening position is a bit lower. My weight, though, has not changed much. It's still around 56 kg. According to some information, it's better to keep the weight about 5 kg over our normal weight at the very end of the pregnancy. I can not remember my normal weight, probably around 55 or 56 kg. So I can be up to around 60 to 62 kg?

Tosh has already known my pregnancy. He already has 2 kids and has lots of experiences. When I am eating chocolate or crisps at work, 'You'd better not to eat such junk food,' he warns me. His wife never touched such food during her pregnancies. Actually, Jason has also told me not to eat junk food. For example, if I eat chocolate, the sugar will satisfy my appetite and when I need to eat balanced dieted proper meals, I can not enjoy eating. Very logical. Crisps are not good for me because they contain not only fat but also lots of salt and I may suffer from high blood pressure in the later stage of pregnancy.

When I told about yellow cards from Tosh, Jason said, 'I have also told you.' I dashed to the rubbish bin in the sitting room trying to hide the evidences, but it's too late. Jason found an empty packet of Walker's ready salted and pieces of packaging from chocolate in it..... I ate them just after I got home.

Jason finally told my pregnancy to his mom. She seemed to be really happy to hear the news and she could not really listen to him afterwards because she was so excited to the idea of being a grand mom for the first time. I'm glad to hear that. Our baby has made not only 2 of us but grand parents all over the world happy. It must have been like that when I was born. My parents and my grand parents must have felt happy about me. It is said that we children will never understand how parents feel till we become parents ourselves. My experience is still only a very tiny part of the parenthood but It's very true.

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