Sunday 25 July 2004

18W 6D コリアンタウン Korean Town


Mini Cabとりあえず今回は Jason がネットで調べて評判のよかったレストランのひとつ ASADAL に行ってみた。キムチ、もやしナムル、カルビ、冷麺などを注文して、二人で35ポンド。ウエストエンドでは大体平均一人30ポンドかかる。今日はビールを飲まなかったことを考えると、うーん、そんなに安いとは思えないかなあ。1割安ぐらい。注文しなかった種類のキムチもお通しみたいに少し出てきたり、サンチュのお皿にはきゅうりもたくさんついてきたのでちょっとお得ってところかな。味はOKだった。そしてまた大量に食べた。私に食欲がないのはもう嘘だ。帰りがけに、コリアンスーパーで韓国もやしなどを購入。ナムルを明日あたり作ろう。


Korean Town in London is located in New Malden, which is about 20 minutes from Waterloo on BR. We went to have lunch. When we got out of the station, we saw British, EU and Korean flags flying in the square of a big office building. It's nothing like the China Town, where there are loads of restaurants and supermarkets gathered closely. But along the main street from the station and towards the left hand side of the first roundabout, there are quite a few Korean restaurants, supermarkets and travel agencies etc. There is even a mini cab station advertising in Korean!

We tried the restaurant called ASDAL, which Jason had read lots of good reviews on the net. We had Kimchi, Namul, Kalbi and Nenmyon, which cost us about 35 pounds. If we have dinner at a Korean in the West End, we have to expect about 30 pounds per head. Having thought that we didn't have bear today, it's not that cheap. Probably only 10%? There were a couple of plates of complementally Namul and some pieces of cucumber on Sanchu plate. So, not bad. The taste was good. I ate a lot again. It must be a lie now that I have no appetite! I also bought bean sprouts etc at a Korean supermarket. I will prepare Namul tomorrow.

I went to bed at about 8 PM. I was so tired. Some neighbours were having a party. It was so noisy till very late. I woke up for a couple of times. These noises at night and fear I felt on the tube, the fear someone may kick my tummy by accident, must have been the reasons I had another nightmare.

When I am walking in the garden of our flats, a couple of kids are throwing stones at me. I felt really alerted and told them off. 'Stop doing that!' After that, I am in a small room with only one door. 2 of the kids come to push the door very hard against me and the wall. My baby is going to die...... I screamed and woke up with very heavy breathe. Jason was also woken up by me... It was really scary...

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