赤ちゃんの名前。Jasonとはまだ籍を入れていないが、日本国籍の赤ちゃんの名字はどうなるのかと調べてみた。出産時の出産証明書にはJasonの名字、Rumney を入れて、母が私、父がJasonとする予定だ。これをもっていけば、ニュージーランド、英国の国籍は赤ちゃんは、Arata Patrick Rumney となるわけだが、日本の国籍はどうなるのだろう。私が結婚していないということは、Rumney という名字は私の戸籍のどこにも入りそうにない。ネットで調べたところ、国際結婚の場合、名字を変えない女性が多く、これは未婚、既婚に関係なくよくあることらしいが、日本の戸籍はお母さんの名字だけの場合が多いらしい。要するに、出産証明書と外国籍の氏名は一致するが、日本の戸籍とは一致しないことがおきる。

出産証明書や英国パスポートには、例えば、 Emily Victoria Smith という名前が使われるが、日本国籍の方は、お母さんが名字を変えてない場合、鈴木 エミリービクトリア(名字が出産証明書と違う)、鈴木エミリー(名字が違う+ミドルネームを記載しないため、名前も違う)、鈴木 恵美(名字が違う+日本名に漢字を使用したため名前も違う)などのパターンになることが多くあるらしい。ただ、結婚していれば、括弧書きで英名の名字も入れられ、Emily Victoria Suzuki (Smith)とすることも可能らしい。
I'm not married and I wonder what family name my baby will have.... We are going to put Jason's family name as the baby's family name to his birth certificate. With this document, the baby can have British and New Zealand passports with Jason's family name 'Rumney'. But what happens to his Japanese passport? In Japan, as same as China and Korea, we have a special family registry system called 'Koseki'. I am at the moment registered under my parents group. My brother has been removed from our parent's group and created a new one when he got married. When women get married, we are taken out from our parent's group and added to the husband's newly created group. But if our partner is non-Japanese, our name is anyway taken out from our parents' and a new group is created as a new family but, partners' names are not properly registered and just added in the 'remarks' column. This is because foreigners do not have their own 'Koseki'. In my case, when I have a baby, I will create a new group out of my parents anyway, but Jason's name will not be appeared anywhere, even in 'remarks', as we are not married.
What our baby's family name will be on his Japanese passport? I searched on the net as usual and found it is very common among international children that their names on the birth certificates and Japanese 'Koseki' or passport do not match. This happens regardless of Japanese parent's marital status as lots of Japanese women do not change their family name after getting married to non-Japanese.
For example, if a baby girl is named 'Emily Victoria Smith', which is her official name in her birth certificate, the baby's name can be registered in different ways in Japanese 'Koseki'. Let's assume her mom's family name is Suzuki. The baby can be 'Suzuki Emily Victoria' (different family name from her birth certificate), 'Suzuki Emily, (different family name + different given name as the middle name is not registered in Japanese 'Koseki'), ' Suzuki Emi' (completely different name from her birth certificate as she can have a Japanese given name) etc. If the parents are married, it can be possible to add husband's family name in brackets like 'Suzuki (Smith) Emily Victoria'.
Well, our baby will be able to have 3 passports with different names. He can be an international spy!
Anyway, our baby's Japanese name will be Nakazato something. It is very common in Japan to check if the Kanji combination of the baby's name will bring good luck. I have tried this check on Nakazato Arata (中里新). Unfortunately, this combination is not really good..... How about Nakazato Ataru (中里中)? This is very good. But there is a problem in this name.... I have included Ataru as one of the choices because the Kanji '中' is a part of our family name, which can be also read 'Ataru', and I did not expect to use his full name as Nakazato in Japanese. If you look at Nakazato Ataru written in Kanji, 中里中, this looks a bit like a joke as you can read the name either from the top or the bottom but still the same.... What shall I do now....
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