昨日はよく寝た。今朝は一旦Jasonと起きて「赤ちゃんに食べさせなきゃ」とシリアルとバナナを食べたが、こう宣言(言い訳?)して何か食べる今日この頃、また 12時頃まで、久々に夢を見るぐらいのんびりと、寝た。最近は寝られない日と熟睡する日が交互にある。赤ちゃんが生まれちゃったらこれが寝られない日だけになるのね。
Nishiyama-san sent me a Red Sox cap from Boston. Red Sox is this year's world series champion. This wool cap will be useful when I go out in cold winter.
I slept very well last night. I've started to sleep well and bad every other day. After getting up with Jason this morning, I had some cereal and a banana, saying, 'I have to feed my baby.' I usually declare, make an excuse?, like this before eating something. Then I went to bed again till about the noon.
I've read somewhere that we tend to have nightmares in this stage of pregnancy. I had one last weekend. In the dream, I was panicked because the baby's head as missing. I mistakenly put the head in the microwave bottle steriliser together with the other bottles. Scary! When I told this to Jason he said, 'It will be a good idea to ask pregnant women to write horror movie scenarios!'
I have the last French class this evening.
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