昨日はNCT主催の、The Mustard Treeというベイビーグループが、Old Wokingに近いNew Life Churchのカフェであった。Little Monkeys主催のお母さんに、「赤ちゃんに限定したグループ」として紹介された集まりで、2週間に一回の開催。参加費1ポンド(約200円)。うちからだと歩いて30分強かかるが、公園の中を歩いて散歩しながらのんびりと行った。15組程の母子が来ていて、お座りができる赤ちゃんは、一角に敷いてあったラグの上でおもちゃで遊ぶことができる。たまたま、お座りができる赤ちゃんは、アラタ以外は全員女の子だった。8人ぐらいの女の子に文字通り囲まれて座ったアラタ。それを知ってか知らないか、一人だけ、例のか細い声で泣いては、ママに抱っこされ、また座らされては、泣く・・・の繰り返しだった。
We went to 'The Mustard Tree' baby group run by NCT yesterday. It is held at the Mustard Tree Cafe in New Life Church near Old Woking on the 1st and the 3rd Monday of every month. The woman who organises the Little Monkeys told me about the group when I asked her if she knew any babies only meetings. It takes good half an hour from our flat to the cafe but we walked through a park and it was a good exercise for me. There were about 15 mothers and babies. There was a corner where you can sit and play with your babies. Just by chance, all the babies in the sitting and playing area were girls except for Arata. I don't know if Arata knew it but he kept crying! Crying with his usual soft voice and picked up by mum, put back after calming down, and crying again....
Today, we were going to go to Baby Yoga in Wapping but I was suffering from migraine again. Luckily, I could manage to have a 3 hour nap with Arata and I felt better by evening.
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