



Food: スティームボート、フィッシュボールヌードル、ラクサ、チキンライス、ビーフヌードル、朝食には肉骨茶(バクテ)と中国茶・・・・・
Drinks: 自家製ソヤビーン、絞りたてシュガーケーンジュースとフルーツジュース、氷を入れてTiger Beer、China Town のティーハウス
Shopping: コンタクトレンズやめがね。Toa Payohにある(ポールの行きつけの) Asia Optics で、最新フレーム、薄型レンズ、検眼を含めて約S$180(60ポンド)。Blk 190 Toa Payoh Central #01-582 Singapore 310190 Tel: 62584669
Foot massage: オーチャードのミッドポイントにある、ニーアン フット リフレクソロジー Kgee Ann Foot Reflexology。ここは盲目のマッサージ師のお店で、同じビルに何件もある他の店に行くより人道的?値段も良心的で40分S$22(約7ポンド)。220 Orchard Road #04-12 MIDPOINT ORCHARD Singapore 238852 Tel :62355538
We arrived in Heathrow early yesterday morning. During 13.5 hours flight, we all had at least 9 hours sleep. Well done! I really recommend night flights. A mini cab was waiting for us at the arrival gate, and we got home around 6:30 am. But..... we were locked out! The second lock, which we usually don't use and don't carry the key for, was locked by the landlady. It was only 6:30 am and we had to have an expensive breakfast at the nearby Holiday Inn hotel till 9 am, the time our estate agent opened.
I lived in Singapore 10 years ago. To meet up with all my old friends or eat all my favourite food and have foot massages, 2 days are not enough. So, we'd changed our flight and stayed in Singapore longer than planned.
Luckily, we could manage to meet Tony just after we arrived at the airport. He was stopping over in Singapore for a couple of hours on his way back. I could also make contact with my ex-colleague, Mindy. Glynis and Ken's family took us to a dinner. Their 5 year old daughter Kei enjoyed playing with Arata! Of course, we met Ting and Paul nearly every day.
In the last 10 years, lots more air-conditioned food courts and coffee bars have opened. And there are many more foot massage places. I'm quite sure they are all aiming at tourists from Japan. Congestion charge is now paid by pre-paid card when cars cross the borders. Singapore is evolving. But a bowl of noodles is still around S$3 (about 1 pound) and a tube ride is around S$1 plus. No wonder economic power is bigger now.
If I have another chance to live in Singapore, I will have a completely different life style. I will probably learn Mandarin or Hokken and immerse myself into the society? Well, am I going to have such a chance? I shouldn't forget that I can't stand the heat. But as days went by, I found myself walking around Singapore feeling very safe as if I were at home....
The photos are: with Tony, with Mindy, Kei and Mizuki (Glynis and Ken's daughters), Arata at Mandarin hotel pool side and Bak Kut Teh at Maxwell food court.
Musts in Singapore
Food: Steamboat, Fishball noodle, Laksa, Chicken rice, Beef noodle, Bak Kut Teh...
Drinks: Home made Soya bean milk, freshly squeezed sugar cane or fruit juice, Tiger beer with ice, tea at Chinese tea house
Shopping: Contact lenses and glasses. At Asia Optics in Toa Payoh, one set of glasses cost about S$180 (60 pounds), including eye test, thin lences and frame. Blk 190 Toa Payoh Central #01-582 Singapore 310190 Tel: 62584669
Foot massage: Kgee Ann Foot Reflexology at Midpoint, in Orchard rd. Jason and I went 4 times in total. The masseurs are visibly impaired and, I think, going there is more humanitarian? They charge S$22 for a 40 minute service and it's the most reasonable charge compared to the other reflexologies in the same building. 220 Orchard Road #04-12 MIDPOINT ORCHARD Singapore 238852 Tel :62355538
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