Friday 3 March 2006

1Y2M 扁桃腺炎 Tonsillitis





Arata's got Tonsillitis. He kept vomiting yesterday, 3 times during day and twice at night. This morning, he was running a high temperature and he was so unwell. I took him to GP and was diagnosed as Tonsillitis.

It was really hard day today for me. My sinus hasn't got much better and I went to see a GP on Tuesday to get some more antibiotics. I was so ill but I had to work till 10 o'clock on Wednesday. I'm now quite sure that my boss expects me to do 5 days work in 3 days! Well, I have to be more firm and say no from next week. I will break otherwise. In such bad conditions, it was really hard that Arata wasn't well. To the GP, it's only 10 minutes walk from here but I took a taxi. I had an separate appointment with a GP in the afternoon, but, I didn't think I could take Arata with me. I asked Yuko and Thoma to come round to stay with Arata. That's how I could manage the day........

It's a big job when a child feels sick. I kept changing and washing Arata's clothes and cleaning carpet all day. In addition, just after Arata threw up, he cried and came to me for a hug. This means I also had to change my clothes each time.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

アラタ君もつらそうだけど Laksaさんも無理しないで・・・
ママがノックアウトしたら もうどうしようもないよ。責任感が強いLaksaさんだから 仕事手抜きできないと思うのだけど
来週は毅然と闘おう!! こういう時 実家が近かったらって

Anonymous said...

うわぁ~、大変。ゆっくり休むのが一番ではないでしょうか? 無理しないで~。>

Anonymous said...
