Bank holiday weekend. We went to Ealing to see Kitazono san yesterday. Arata was fine in the morning but he started to feel unwell on our way. He threw up in the car... I first thought it would be a car sickness. But he kept vomiting after that and we decided to take him to A&E.
We were not sure if we could come back to Woking and even thinking about taking him to the Ealing Hospital at one stage. Fortunately, he fell asleep after throwing up again in the car. We went to the St Peter's A&E. There is a separate waiting room and waiting list for children. Arata was first seen by a nurse. He had no temperature but we found he had rash in his body. We were asked to give him 3.5 ml of water (contains salt and sugar) every 5 minutes. In 1.5 hours, while we were waiting for a doctor, Arata became quite well and started to play with toys.
The paediatrician told us that it's not meningitis rash and probably everything was caused by the same bacteria which caused his ear infection. The doctor checked Arata's ears. (Prbably it was worth going there to have this checkup because the doctor used a proper instrument unlike GPs!) The left ear was stil not good. We told him that there was one more dose of antibiotics left, which, for me, means the medicine didn't work after 5 days. But the doctor didn't prescribe anything. That's it. We came home. Very tired.
Arata woke up happily this morning, although rash was spread to his face. But after lunch, he started to vomit again. Each time he threw up, he did it on my shoulder while I was holding him. I was covered with his vomit many times. Never mind! It's him who is so poor. When we rang Thames docs, the weekend medical help line, a doctor told us it might be a tummy bug. It sometimes causes vomit, up until 36 hours, before diarrhoea starts, and may cause rash. Let's see. Jason may have to take a day off to look after Arata tomorrow...
うちもうちも!まさしくstomach virusにやられてますー!しかももう何度もやってるから慣れっこになってしまった。最初嘔吐が来て、下痢は一日、二日後にkick inするよ。ウイルスがだんだんと下に降りていって増殖するからねー!下痢が始まる頃には嘔吐は完全に止まるよ。それにしても後片付けが大変だよね。車の中ってのも掃除が大変だねー。アラタン、早く元気になってー!>
アラタくん、つらすぎ!! うーん、早く原因がわかるといいね。 子供の病気って聞きなれないものが多くって よくわからないものが多いよ。>
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