サクレクール寺院の近くに宿泊。メトロ Abbesses 駅の入り口近くに、(移動?)メリーゴーランドとプレイグラウンドつきの小さい公園を発見して、まずは一安心。サンジェルマンは可愛い子供服屋さんの宝庫で、リュクセンブール公園には有料(1ユーロ)の充実したプレイグラウンドがあり、子供たちでごった返していた。アラタも滑り台や砂場で大喜び。


We spent in Paris for this long weekend. I was a bit frustrated as I didn't have enough time to go shopping... But we met up Rie's family, her 8 months daughter Sara was so cuuuute!, and we also saw Izumi, my friend from University, who now lives in Paris. Well, we didn't expect doing sightseeing nor going to eat nice food. It was more important for us to find the places Arata can play!

We stayed near Basilique du Sacré-Cœur. To our relief, we found a small park with a tiny play ground just above the Abbesses metro station and Arata played there for a while. There was also a merry-go-round and Arata was in a helicopter with a bit older boy. In St German, there are lots of cute baby and toddler clothes shops. And there is a big well equipped play ground, 1 euro per admission, in the Luxwmbourg Park. The play ground was full of children. Arata was so excited and enjoyed playing there.
My impression of Paris is it will probably not as easy as in London to take small kids around. There are lots of parks and they usually have nice areas with lawn. But most of them are not allowed for us to get in. The Metro stations are not really child friendly, not step free, probably worse than in London. And I didn't see many cafes or restaurants which have a high chair. Probably, Paris is rather the city for adults and nobody takes their small kids to restaurants or cafes?? Arata always had to sit in a normal chair for adults. He is still so small and only his head was seen above the table...
私もこの夏にパリに行きたい!と思っていたけど、子連れは大変なのか。すべてTake a wayするかっ!>
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