
Arata likes climbing. When he climbed onto the washing basin, he then turned on and off the tap and got himself wet. When I was sleeping against my intentions, I was trying to make Arata have a nap but I fell asleep instead, Arata climbed up to the chest of drawers. I was so shocked to find him up there when I heard him calling me and opened my eyes! It is more than 1 meter high.
I talked to one of the carers at nursery about his climbing habit. She said Arata likes climbing at nursery as well and they often tell him off.
Jason also liked climbing trees when he was child. And his brother Adrian once climbed up to the roof through a ladder when he was about 1 and a half years old. My mum told me that my brother was never so wild. It must be the gene from Jason's side! (The second photo. Just after Arata has taken out all sorts of pans and pots etc in the kitchen. He often make music banging on them with ladles.)
1 comment:
4歳になった息子はまだマシなんですが、何でもCopy Catの2歳にならない娘が…ソファから出窓によじ登ろうとしたり、バスタブに1人で入り込もうとしたり…怖いです!!
息子もこの前ベンチからベンチへBuzz Lightyearの真似して飛び移ってオデコにタンコブ作って帰ってきましたよ。
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