昨日は会社のパーティー。そして今日はRocky Horror Showを観にいったので、Jasonにアラタの面倒をみてもらって、二日連続で夜遊びの私。(それにしてもRocky Horror Showは何回見ても楽しい!)
さて、今日の昼間はスローンスクエアで過ごした。お昼に入ったDuke Of Yorks Squareのカフェには、ロンドンでは珍しくベビーフードがメニューにあった。キッズミールもそこらでやっている、いかにも不健康そうなチップスとフィッシュフィンガーの盛り合わせなんかとは違って、フルーツとサンドイッチというポッシュな組み合わせだった(写真参照)。
Daisy & Tom

I went to see Rocky Horror Show with my friends this evening. As we had our company's summer party yesterday, Jason had to look after Arata 2 days in row. Thank you Jason!
We went to Sloane Square before my night out today. We had lunch at a cafe in Duke of York Square. The cafe serves baby food. This is very unusual in London. Arata had a kid's meal which includes fruit and sandwiches. It's also quite posh compared to the ordinary kid's meal, chips and fish fingers only, in this country.
We then went to
Daisy & Tom
to have Arata's hair cut. This time his hair has become vert short. It's a bit sad for me because he doesn't look my little baby any more... I often hear a mother with a little boy says, "I prefer my son having a bit longer hair because he looks still 'baby' and cute. But my husband wants him to have short hair." It's exactly our situation today. If Jason hadn't been there with us, Arata didn't have such short hair now. Never mind. It's summer. But....
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