We went to Thornbury, north of Bristol, for Ben's 7th birthday party. Ben's dad is Jason's cousin David. His wife is English and they moved to England a year ago. David has only sister but he has moved to so far away from his parents. In Japan, very often, the first son stays nearby parents to look after them. Jason is the first son as well but lives in England. It's totally different culture. I've read somebody wrote the relationship between Japanese parents and children are dependent, while in the West, they are totally independent. When my children grow up with Western attitudes, am I going to feel very sad when I get old??
Arata's English vocabulary has increased. He learns lots from nursery. When Yuko was blowing bubbles, I was thinking, 'Are they bubbles or balloons in English?' Before I reached the conclusion, Arara said, 'Bubble!!' When Arata sees whatever messy he says, 'Dirty' and when he is mischievous, he himself says, 'Naughty!'
We were saying 'truck' when we saw a truck/lorry. When we realised it's American and Kiwi English, we tried saying 'lorry.' For the first time, Arata repeated it. For me, it's one of the toughest words. I can't hear or pronounce the difference between 'lorry' and 'lolly'! But Jason said Arata pronounces the word 'lorry' correctly. I envy him...
It's quite cute to see Arata keeps saying 'Get down' when he is up on the table. At nursery, he must be often told off when climbed up furnitures Interestingly, Jason has never used the phrase. He always tells Arata off saying 'Off the table' and it's quite obvious that Arata has learnt it at nursery. Arata is trying to blow bubbles in this photo.
そうかー、イギリスでは lorryっていうんだね。NZでもトラックだもんね。スペンサーはまだ単語らしい単語は話さないけど、やっぱり RとLの発音はきちんとできてるらしい。あたしも全然聞き分けできないけど。。。(もちろん 発音もだめ)←自慢するな!
確かに欧米って親子でも年老いたても 自立してるもんね。日本みたいに 子供が親の面倒みるってのは みないしね。確かになんだかさびしいよね。
でも うちの旦那の両親が最近一緒に敷地をかって 家を建てないか。。。なんて提案してきて。。。いや、、、いいんだけど。。。やっぱり 自分の両親でも旦那の両親でも 多少遠くに住んでたほうがいい。。。なんて思うのは私だけ?会うのって年に1,2回だから いい嫁でいられるんだもんね。>
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