Friday 21 July 2006

1Y6M 一升餅 Hanna's one year ceremony



Hanna's 1st birthday party. There is a Japanese tradition to make a year old child to carry and walk with '1 sho mochi', glutenous rice cake, of about 1.5Kg. 'Sho' is an old Japanese unit of measurement. 'One sho' is pronounced 'Issho' which is the same sound as 'whole life.' This ceremony is to bless a one year old child, who has just started to walk, to be able to walk the rest of her life safely. I didn't even know the existence of this tradition and Arata didn't have one. Hanna has just started to walk but she made a couple of steady steps with the mochi on her back. Well done!

After the ceremony, we had plenty of differently arranged mochi dishes! Ritsuko, Hanna's mum, is always a very good cook. They were so tasty. In the last couple of days, I didn't have much appetite because of the heat but I've made up for it in just a few hours!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hanna mumさん、こちらこそ、いつもいつもおいしいものをFeedしてもらっているわー。また遊びに行くね!>