It's too hot. It was a record 36C in London yesterday. It was more than 45C on tube and much hotter on buses. If I am at work, it's not bad because our office has air conditioning. But like today, the day I don't go to work, it's extremely uncomfortable. We are on the top, 5th floor, and of course, without air conditioner. I took shower a couple of time this morning and managed to escape to the Peacock centre, the nearby 'air-conditioned' shopping mall, around lunch, then stayed at food court till about 5 pm, with Mayumi and Rika's families.
Arata has had terrible nappy rash since Sunday. Well, we forgot to change his nappies a day before, even though he had diarrhea. It's the first time he has so bad nappy rash and I didn't realise that it's so easy to get one. Arata knows it's sore to have nappy changed and he runs away very seriously when we try to change his nappies. But he must have learnt a lesson. This morning, Arata opened a pot of nappy rash ointment, when I was changing his nappies, and applied it by himself!!! When he had a short nap this evening, I took off his nappy. Hopefully, it will get better soon. At nursery, they don't change nappies as often as we do at home, and we can't expect his condition will improve tomorrow, though...
In this photo, Arata is eating dinner with only nappy and bib. Doesn't this photo look like a scene of 'Chippendales'??
あらら、あらたん おむつかぶれかぁ。スペンサーは新生児の頃に おむつかぶれして お尻が真っ赤になったよ。そんときは やっぱり オムツ ずーっとはずしてた。まぁ あの時はうごけないから、かえって楽なんだけどさ。
お薬とかは塗ってる? オムツかぶれのくすり オムツするんだったら ぬったほうがいいかもよー。ナーサリーじゃ オムツかえてくれないから なおさらだよね。>
我が家はエミリーの妊娠時に、アラタくんくらいだったトーマが初めてお尻かぶれしてさ、来てくれてたミッドワイフが「Metanium Ointment」ってクリームを教えてくれたの。
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