最近ブログ用写真を撮るのを忘れがち。Nikon Coolpixの反応が鈍く、動き続けるアラタのいいショットが撮れない事が原因。カナダから遊びに来ていた郁子さんとの記念撮影も、れいこさん宅でのBBQでも撮り忘れた。この一枚はアラタがバケツの中に入って得意になっているところ。動かないこんな瞬間なら撮れるのに!
I've kept forgetting to take photos for my weblog. It's because the shutter timing of my current camera, Nikon Coolpix, is a bit slow which makes it difficult to take good photos of active 1 year old. I even forgot to take one with Ikuko, who came to see us all the way from Canada, or today, at a BBQ party at Reiko's.
Last Friday. Ikuko came to Woking to see us but Arata didn't feel well and threw up just after she arrived... Arata and I were covered with his vomit, and it was so difficult to properly entertain Ikuko. I feel so bad. She brought a nice fleece jacket with Ottawa logo for Arata. Thank you, Ikuko. Arata will definitely be warm this winter, and so will his brother in a couple of years!
We were worried that Arata may have had another cold. As he seemed to be fine this morning, I took Arata to Reiko's BBQ. After Jason dropped us off, Arata was waiting for Jason at Reiko's entrance hall for a while saying "Daddy..." He was obviously expecting Jason to come back after parking the car and I had to keep telling him that Daddy had gone home. Quite surprisingly, out of blue, Arata said, "Daddy nai" (= 'no daddy') a couple of hours later. I knew how much Arata missed Jason. He loves daddy. I also missed Jason because it was so stressful for me to keep an eye on mischievous Arata all the time by myself!
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