Wednesday 2 August 2006

32W1D またまた緊急入院 Emergency stay at hospital

日曜の夜から原因不明の肩痛。昨日の朝から頭痛で会社を半休。昼間も頭痛が治まらずふらふらしていて、家に帰ると熱があった。パラセテモを飲んで寝たが、11時頃、急に寒気で歯ががたがたしだしてそれがとまらず20分。布団にくるまって、少しでも空気に触れると寒い。St Peter's Hospital のLabour Ward (出産病棟)に一泊。

Royal London Hospital 程大きくないので、AntenatalとかPostnatalとか病棟は分かれていなく、全てLabour Wardで対処している。私が滞在した部屋はAnenatal(出産前)用で、計画帝王切開や分娩誘発のために手術室や分娩室に入る前の妊婦、陣痛がまだ進んでいない妊婦などがいた。





I stayed overnight at St Peter's Hospital labour ward last night. I didn't feel well yesterday. I had a slight headache in the morning and towards evening, I developed temperature. I took Paracetamol and went to bed. But at about 11 pm, my body suddenly started to shiver and my teeth couldn't stop chattering for about 20 minutes.

They checked my blood and urine samples to see if there is any bacterial infection. All clear. It must be viral infection, doctors said, and as they can't do anything for viruses, I was discharged. It's a bit weird as I don't have any other symptoms other than temperature. But at least they did thorough tests, and I feel relieved.

My temperature hadn't go down till 5 am, when I was given another dose of paracetamol. Till then, I kept shivering and feeling hot one after another. I developed temperature again after I came home. Well, Paracetamol works very well. Each time I take it, I sweat lots and temperature goes down. Hopefully, it will not go up again.

I stayed 2 nights at hospital when I was 34 week pregnant with Arata. Last night, the baby was again monitored using
the same equipment
and I was even given some dripping to avoid dehydration.

I had totally forgotten how sore the moment the needle of the dripping was inserted. I could even hear the dull noise the needle broke my skin and some blood splashed! At that moment, the memory of a needle inserted for induction clearly flashed back. When the labour is approaching, will I start to remember all the pains I suffered??? If you ask me today, I'm 100 % sure that this will be the last pregnancy in my life. I hate pains!

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