Monday, 31 July 2006

31W6D あと2ヶ月 Another 2 months to go


アラタは火曜日だけ終日ナーサリーに送る。本当は週に2日ぐらい行ってほしいけれど、高いからしょうがない。産休になって、2人の子供の面倒を見るために家にいるのかと思うとかなり鬱な気分になる。とりあえず、そんな気持ちを払拭するため、アラタのために、9月からのMessy Artsクラス、音楽クラスなどの予約をしまくってみた。できればアラタがナーサリーに行っている火曜日にベイビーマッサージかヨガのクラスも探したいところだ。

Jason bought an Air Cooler to on Saturday. Ironically, since Saturday, it's not been so hot. I am going to work only another 5 weeks. My maternity leave starts on 4th Sep. Oficially, it's from the due date, 26th Sept but I will use my annual leave in the beginning of Sept. Mum is coming to the U.K. from 4th Sep. She is going to quit her job before coming. She is stayng with us for nearly 3 months to help me.

Arata will keep going to nursery on Tuesdays. To be honest, I want to send him there at least twice a week but we can't aford it. Thinking about staying at home to look after 2 little monkeys makes me feel so depressed.... So I have started to book a couple of classes to attend for Arata. At least, I will be able to keep myself sociable.So far, Arts class and music class. Hopefully, I can take Arata's brother to a baby massage or yoga on Tuesday, when Arata is at nursery.

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