明日は7時半に病院にチェックイン。準備として、今晩12時から何も食べてはいけなくて、チェックイン2時間前以降は飲み物も不可。今晩寝る前と明日一番にRanitidine Tablet 150mg (胃中の酸性度を弱める)を一錠ずつ、朝一番にはMetoclopramide Tablet BP 10mg (下腹部手術に伴う吐き気を抑える)を一錠飲む。
We've had a strong feeling that I will end up with elective Caesarean as booked on tomorrow morning. Well, the thing is that the birthdays of each member of our family now spread into each month between September and December. Not that important, but somehow I was hoping for. Jason and I went shopping this afternoon and stopped to have some coffee. It was the really last 'date' together as parents of one child!
It was also the last night for Arata as 'only child' and we toasted for his last night at dinner.When we put our glasses to his cup saying , "Kampai! (cheers)," he also repeated the word!
I personally prefer c-section than natural birth because I don't have to suffer from terrible pain for long hours. But I know it's painful when the needles of dripping and epidural plus urethra are inserted. I don't mind having cut my tummy to take the baby out, as unlike in Japan, we can get strong pain killer after the c-section, but I still have fear on those needles insertions....
My booking is the first in the queue tomorrow morning and Jason was jokingly said, "The baby will be born at 9.05!" Oh, we can't forget that we are in the U.K. It's not necessarily that doctors come to work on time, especially in Monday morning!
1 comment:
いよいよだね。無事出産をお祈りします。See you soon.>
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