今日のDr Muthor(?) は患者の話しを聞く親身な医者だった。そして、私が納得しそうな、抗生物質(ペニシリン)の副作用を初めて指摘。先週の月曜日から計4人の医者に同じ説明(PCVの予防接種2日後から39度近い熱。GPで中耳炎と診断され一週間分の抗生物質を処方される。数日のうちに、外で遊んでいて顔に原因不明のじんましん(一回きり)。抗生物質終了後、一週間経ってから寒冷じんましんらしい症状がひどくなる…)をしているのに、みんな「寒さに反応」という、ちょっと聞きなれない部分に気を取られて、本質を見失ってしまったか。
Dr Muthorはかなり確信しているようで、抗ヒスタミンは飲んでも飲まなくてもいい。プライベートの専門医へのリファーも、来週まで様子をみて、それからにしましょう。それまでに治るかもしれないし、どうせアレルギー源を突き止める検査はしないから時間の無駄よ、と言った。私が、予測していなかった「ペニシリンへのアレルギーの可能性」を指摘されて動揺していると、「あなたが安心できるなら」と渋々リファーしてくれることになった。今の所、ペニシリンが原因と確定したわけではないし、日々症状が変化しているので、よしとしようか。

The doctor we saw today, Dr Muthor(?), was understanding and comfortable to talk. And for the first time, she pointed out that the cause of Arata's hives is probably the antibiotics (penicillin) he had 3 weeks ago. Since last Monday, Jason and I have told the same explanations, (2 days after PCV injection, Arata developed a temperature of 39C and diagnosed as ear infection. While on a week course of antibiotics. he had his first hives once on his face when he was outside. Since a week after he completed the course, hives have started to annoy us especially when Arata gets outside...), to 4 doctors but all others must have overlooked the basics by something not so common, possible reaction to coldness.
Dr Muthor seemed quite confident in her diagnose and she told me Arata can stop taking anti-histamine unless he complains hives are itchy. And she suggested us to wait until next week to be referred to a private specialist, as Arata will probably get better. She added specialists will anyway not do any tests on him and it might be a waste of my time. I became a bit uncertain by then whether it's the best thing to ask her strongly to refer to a private specialist. The doctor decided to refer to a specialist in the end for us to feel better.
Arata's hives have got worse. They are not only caused by coldness any longer. There are patches all over his body even when he is inside and they are itchy especially around his nappy. We can no longer call them 'cold hives'. What's going on...?
This afternoon, Aratakara had their first Christmas party this year with Japanese mums group. Arata got a present from santa, which in fact I chose and bought, and he really loves it. It's a wooden blue airplane. He was even holding it when he went to bed. (See this photo!) Jason has been away for 2 nights. The most tough bit is to make Aratakara sleep at night. Like today, Arata apparently was so sleepy and he was about to go so many times. But every time Takara started to cry and Arata could not sleep. It took 2 hours... In the end, Arata fell asleep in the sofa at the lounge, where I was calming Takara down.
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