Mizens Railway
のミニ蒸気機関車のサンタスペシャルに行った。ミニチュアの汽車にまたがり、森の中を走る。途中にあるサンタのグロット(洞窟)でプレゼントをもらって約20分ほどで、1人5ポンド。(大人はミインスパイと飲み物付き。)乗り物好きのアラタが喜ぶと思ったのに、乗った直後から大泣きして最後まで泣き続けたそうだ。ママがいなかったから?それとも屋根がないから?帰りの車の中では「アラタ 電車 こわかった」を連発。
We went to Santa Special event at
Mizens Railway
, which is located at about 10 minutes drive from our flat. They have railway and miniture steam engines. In this event, Arata and Jason went on a train ride, which lasted for about 20 minutes, including Santa Grotto visit. Arata got a present from Santa and with Jason's ticket, I had a piece of mince pie and hot wine while waiting for them. (Cost 5 pounds per ticket.) I'd been sure that Arata would love it but he didn't! He cried all the way! Was it because mummy wasn't with him? Or he was really scared because there was no roof? On our way back, Arata kept saying, "Arata Densha (= train) Kowakatta (= was scared)."
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