Wednesday 27 December 2006

2Y0M 12W3D まだまだ続く… Still coming in...


アラタカラのまたいとこベンとダニエルが遊びに来た。アラタは数日遅れのクリスマスと誕生日プレゼントを2つもらう。プレゼントをもらうことにすっかり慣れているアラタは、プレゼント交換が始まる前から、きれいに包装されたアラタへの包みを発見して「これ なに、これ アラタの。」そして、包みを渡されると、いつもなかなか言わない「サンキュー」を速攻で言って、「おっ、おー」と言いながら興奮気味に開封。


AraTakara's second cousins, Ben and Daniel, came to visit us. AraTakara received belated Christmas presents. Arata got a birthday present as well. Arata is so used to receiving presents now. Before we started to exchange presents, Arata found a wrapped present and asked us "What's this? Is this Arata's?". When he finally got presents, Arata said "Thank you" nicely and opened them excitingly saying, "Oh, oooohhhh!"

Takara's second immunisation(Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Polio, Hib and Men C). He still has runny nose and coughs but we anyway went ahead. He had a slight temperature by night.

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