Takara has a cold since a month ago. About 10 days ago, he must have caught another one. This time with lots of coughs. Since the new years eve, it's got worse. He wakes up in the middle of the night by coughing. He had a slight temperature this morning and we gave him some Calpol. At GP, he was checked his breathing and chest + lungs. Everything seemed to be ok. We can't give any medicine to 3 months old baby, though. The doctor told me to let Takara breath in some moisture by putting hot water in the bath tub and staying in the bathroom for about 10 to 15 minutes.
Takara may have lost a bit of appetite. But he still takes some and he smiles a lot as usual. So he should be fine. But his coughs are terrible. He has quite mucusy chesty coughs, often continuously. And in the end of the series of coughs, he sometimes becomes a bit of choking. His runny nose is also very bad. Watching him suffering from a bad cold is a really pain for me. I've read somewhere that breastfed babies only get mild cold if they happen to get one. I hope so. We've tried putting a couple of towels under his head of his cot to give a bit of angle to lie down. It might help him from coughing during sleep.
あけましておめでとう。 たからくん 風邪大変だね。本当に小さい子が風邪ひくと大変そう。でも うちのあーちゃんも6ヶ月前にやたら 風邪ひいてたぞ。。。これって お兄ちゃんとかがいるからかね?
とにかく はやくよくなるといいね。
今年こそ お互い会えるといいねー。
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