Friday 1 June 2007

2Y5M 35W5D 一眼レフ SLR camera





Katariina is an ex-colleague. She's got a talent in photography and she has just decided to quit her IT job to pursue her photographic career. She was practicing on taking photos with Aratakara today.

(Her site is here.)

I tried taking a couple of photos with her camera. (This photo was taken by me with her camera.) My grandma bought me a SLR camera after I passed an entrance exam to high school when I was 15. It was my first SLR camera and I wanted to take photos of baseball matches. Since then, my camera has upgraded and I have even taken a photography course a couple of years ago. But I haven't used it for a while as I realised I have no talent in photography, and I've never owned a digital SLR. I want to have one now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
