今日も天気がよかったので、Woking Parkでピクニック。縄跳び、テニス、バドミントン、サッカー、野球とフル装備のりかさん&私だったが、アラタが「道具で一緒に」遊ぶってことがまだ出来ないから、リリちゃんは退屈そう。リリちゃんを見ていると、アラタもあと一年もすると、「インストラクション」を理解するようになって、少しはゲームを楽しめるようになるんだなーってそんな日が待ち遠しい。
It was nice weather as well. We went to Woking Park for a picnic. Rika and I were equipped fully: baseball, badminton, tennis, football, jumping rope... but as Arata still can't play with his friends with equipments, Lilia looked a bit bored. She is a year older than Arata. When I was watching her, I started to look forward to Arata being able to understand "instructions" and play games in a year or so time.
As usual, towards the end of the day, they started to run around and giggle together. I am convinced again that children play better without any toys or equipments. They only need nature!
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