近所の教会Christ churchの子供向け日曜サービスの一環で、バウンシーカッスル(空気を入れたトランポリンのような大型遊具)もあるというので、暇つぶしに行った。もちろん、バウンシーカッスルにまっしぐらなのはタカラで、アラタは躊躇。一緒にいたまなちゃんに「どうしてしないの?」と言われて黙り込むアラタ。大きいお兄ちゃん達やアラタと遊ぶのを諦めたまなちゃんに囲まれてタカラはジャンプジャンプ!
Everybody says shy Arata takes after Jason. And they go on "Takara is like you" because he is sociable. But however hard I try, I wouldn't be so extroverted. Considering rather quiet Jason's parents, Takara's got my dad's sociable gene.
We went to Christ church's Sunday's children services because they put up a bouncy castle inside.Of course it was Takara who ran straight to the castle while Arata was hesitating. Mana asked Arata, "Why do you not want to go?" but Arata kept quiet. Takara was happily jumping surrounded by big boys and Mana, who gave up persuading Arata to play with.
Arata was watching them for good 10 minutes and he started to join them but came back quickly. He kept doing go and come back for a while. In the meantime, Takara came out being led by 2 boys who were holding his hands because it's time for bigger kids and it may be dangerous for little ones to stay on. As soon as they released Takara's hands, he turned swiftly and went back to the castle...
When I started to feel relieved as Arata seemed to at last settle in, I realised Takara was missing! I then turned around found him on the stage. Live music started and Takara apparently abandand the castle and ran up to the stage. The band members were all kind and one of them let him play the drum later.
The bear who was giving out fliers of these services at the town square earlier came on yo stage and we all started to sing along the live music. Takara made up his mind quickly. He ran onto the stage again to touch the bear. Then he turned to us and started to swing with broad smile on his face!
I was shocked. Mana, who just turned 4, was worried and went up to the stage to take Takara down. But when I heard Arata screaming, "Oli has gone!!!!!" panickingly (he says this whenever Takara runs to somewhere from us), I decided to go up to get him, feeling a bit embarrassed....
This incident reminded me of another which happened a couple of weeks ago at Nicholas's birthday party. Children first gathered at a soft play area to play and later had a small party at cafe. When Jason arrived at the soft play area with Aratakara, Arata was a bit taken aback. While Jason was trying to persuade him to join other kids, Takara was already up and enjoying it happily. Arata then decided to give it a go seeing Takara was already there.
Arata never behaved like Takara so it's nothing to do with age but personalities. I hope Takara will ease Arata's tense when they go out together and helped Arata a bit. Is Takara going to give Arata a good influence? Or will it be difficult for us to bring up this kind of set of children???
ドラマーのタカラ、やったねぇ~(●^o^●)「おいらはドラマー」( ^)o(^ )>
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