アラタカラの通うTeddies Nurseriesの創立10周年イベントがあった。アラタとタカラのそれぞれのクラスに行って、彼らがナーサリーでどんな様子か見るいい機会だったが、まあ予想通り。アラタは大人しく遊んでいる。タカラはガキ大将的存在。私が目撃したのは、面白い事を思いついて遊んでいるタカラの所に友達が寄って来ると、その子も巻き込んで、奇声を上げながら大興奮という場面。写真は、庭で風船を飛ばした時。タカラはじっと座っていない。保母さん、タカラを面倒見るのは大変だろうな。私はお金を払っている価値が大あり!

Teddies Nurseries are celebrating their 10 years anniversary and we visited them for the event. It was a good chance to see how Aratakara are doing at nursery. Arata plays quietly with a couple of friends. Takara is like a ring leader. All as we expected. When I went to see Takara, he was giggling and playing interactively with some of his classmates. I took these photos when they released balloons. Takara didn't sit quietly. It must be hard work for carers to look after him. It's worth spending money on nursery, on the other hand, for me!
I've had migraine since Monday. It was worst today and I left work earlier than planned. I kept throwing up till midnight. Of course, I couldn't stay at nursery long as I felt so sick.
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