Thursday 18 September 2008

3Y8M 1Y11M 子供服やおもちゃの再利用 Children's clothes and toys donation





さて、ここ1ヶ月で学んだ子供の服やおもちゃの有効な処分方法。おもちゃは、ナーサリーが引き取ってくれる。長く使ってくれるのでいい寄付先。服は、Women Refugeという家庭内暴力からの駆け込み寺に寄付すると本当に必要な人に渡ると聞いて連絡。が、今の所足りているのでと紹介してもらった、

The Besom


Mum and I were going to go to Paris from Monday but because of the Eurostar tunnel fire last week, we couldn't do it. We went to St Pancras station anyway, but as the number of the trains was reduced, we couldn't get the seats just by about 20 passengers. The next train was scheduled in another 4 hours time and we decided to come home. It could have been my first night without kids since I had Arata. Paris vanished to my dream.....

Instead, I took Mum to Guildford on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I went to my work with Arata. Arata was sitting quietly at my empty desk and doing jigsaw puzzle while waiting for me. Ben said jokingly, "Oh, he is your replacement!" In the evening, Yuko and Thoma came for dinner. Mum flew back to Japan on Thursday. In the afternoon, we arranged to get rid of children's toys and clothes, then we went to see Adiba and Jamal at Woking park. In late evening, Mariette came to have a chat over a bottle of wine. Today, Ahktar came in the morning, and Mayumi dropped in after lunch. Then I went to the West End for dinner & drinks with my colleagues. It was my last night out to London..... We are going to China town for Dim Sum tomorrow again. Very busy! But guess what, we have nearly finished packing as well. Means I'm lack of sleep!

I've learnt that the best place to donate toys is nursery because they use them for a long time. For children's clothes, I've read that Women Refuge takes them. I rang one of them but I was told they have enough donation at the moment. Then they suggested me calling the charity called
The Besom.

They collect clothes donations and pass them to those who really need. A red van came to pick up 3 boxes of Aratakara's old clothes and shoes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
