

We flew into Christchurch via Singapore, then took one more flight to Wellington. It's the end of winter and the sky is clear and air is clean. It's so beautiful here, even compared to England.
I didn't think I wanted to live in this country when I visited here for the first time 3 years ago, because my impression was that NZ is so sleepy and nothing is happenining. But probably this is Jason's strategy now. This time, I think I don't probably mind living here? Especially after staying in Malaysia...
I have never had a chance to hear Arata speaking English all the time, and to be honest, I'm so impressed by his English. He has much more vacaburarly in English than in Japanese. And as he speaks in very English way, he sounds quite mature.
When I said, "Ask Nana", he switches to English immediately and it's not our typical direct translation. I envy truly bilingual Arata! Jason's mum says, "Arata speaks with British accent." Yes, it's very British and so cute! I will definitely feel sad when he loses this after staying in Penang for a couple of months...
Since Takara stopped going to nursery, and my mum was with us for a while, his main language has been switched to Japanese. But after just a week here, he's started to speak English more. He said, "Well done!" to himself out of blue when he did very well in a climbing frame at a play ground today.
Basically Aratakara have been so happy here. They didn't get much attention from us in the last moth as we were so busy preparing moving and settling in Malaysia. And here, Jason's brother Adrian often comes to see us and since yesterday, their great Nana has been here.
あー、昨日書き込んだと思ったのに、書き込みそこねていました。Verification 忘れてそのままにしちゃったみたい。
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