Wednesday 4 February 2009

4Y1M 2Y4M 蚊、蚊、蚊・・・ Mosquito, mosquito, mosquito...






モスキートーバットの得意なJasonが出張で不在のため、就寝前に自分で仕留めているが、その大切な武器が一昨日壊れてしまい私は大パニック!昨日はマーケットにもCold Strageにも足を運んだが新品を手に入れられず、夜は敵討ちのように必死に手で退治しまくった。だいたい、自分のベッドに入った後5匹も仕留めたという事実が、その前にスプレーしているのになあとうんざり。

今日はようやく新品のバットを手に入れた。これは充電式でマーケットで12RM。(1RM = 35JPY = 0.20GBP)前のより強力そう。

In the last couple of weeks, we've had so many mosquitoes. On Sunday, I decided to count the number I killed. Just after we got ready to go to bed, I got 3 in kids' room, 2 in our bathroom and another 2 in our bedroom.

I'm quite puzzled where they are from. We have mosquito net in the most of the windows. We keep the windows at the sitting room open during day but in front of them are swimming pool and we don't see any usually, we close them after 5PM as well. The only possibility I can think of is from the main door. Whenever I open it, I always see more than 5 mosquitoes hoovering around as if they are waiting for the door open. And surely, they try to get in! Of course I try to prevent them.

Liquid type mosquito repellent which is plugged in to the electric socket doesn't seem to work. Neither do mat format repellent. I think mosquito coil will work better but because of the smoke and smell, we won't be able to use it inside. I anyway tried burning it out of our main entrance. But still, some mosquitoes are flying in between smoke. We do also spray chemical into the rooms a couple of hours before we go to bed. It sometimes kill them but often I still see lots of survived ones.

As I wrote before, conventional methods without using chemical seem to work better. Like mosquito bat or mosquito catcher.

Yet just one mosquito distract our sleep and I have not slept very well in the last few weeks. I'm often woken up by them or I'm too scared to hear their buzzing noise, I'm always nervous and can not sleep. It's really stressful. For some reason, they only like me and not Jason. I take great attention to kids room too but whenever I see Aratakara with lots of bits in the morning, I feel so guilty.

Jason is very good at mosquito bat but he is away. I've taken him over. But 2 days ago, it broke down. I got really panicked. How could I survive without it! Yesterday, Takara was still off kindergarten but I had to take him to market or Cold Storage to look for the replacement. I couldn't find any!

Last night, I was very serious about killing them. I smashed them with my hands harder than usual as I wanted to make sure to kill them! And I killed 5 just after I went to bed. I'd sprayed the room before so I can tell how many mosquitoes were there! I feel so depressed.

Today I found a new bat in a stall at the market. It's 12Rm (1RM = 35JPY = 0.20GBP) and much more powerful and thus noisy than it predecessor. It's also chargeable.


miwa said...

バッド、新品買えてよかったですねー 手でやってるとかなり取り逃がしますよね。



Laksa said...
