Saturday, 22 August 2009

4Y7M 2Y10M 音楽クラス Music classes

タカラは最近までLin San先生の音楽クラス(Musik Garten)にJasonと一緒に行っていた。

アラタはLin SanのクラスもSt Christpher'sの先生のクラスもトライアルしたが気に入らず、ヤマハがいいと言い張るので5月から通っている。他のクラスはミュージックアプリシエーション的なクラスだが、ヤマハは一人一台エレクトーンが与えられて学校の授業のよう。それが気に入ったのか、保護者も一緒に受けるのでママと一緒にできるのが気に入ったのか。

今日はヤマハのクラスパーティーで、みんなで歌った後、一人一曲ずつ前で演奏。アラタはTug Of Warを弾くことにした。ピアノの前に座って惑っていたのでどうなることやらと思ったが、間違えなく弾けた。アラタは楽譜とはちょっと違う両手同時の自己流で弾いていた。


Until recently Takara was attending Lin San's music appreciation class for 2 to 4 years old, Musik Garten method, with Jason.

Arata tried Lin San's older children's class and also the one taught by a teacher at St Christopher's. Both are music appreciation type of classes but for some reason, he didn't like them much. As he insisted to go to learn at Yamaha music school, where he also did a trial a long time ago, we decided to send him there. Yamaha's classes are more like a music class at school. Each child has an electone in front and a grown-up has to stay with them. I don't know what attacts him, the way they are teaching, or the fact he can take lessons with me?

We had a class party today. All the children sang together in front first, then everybody has to play a piece on his own in front of us. Arata chose 'Tug of war'. When he sat at the electone, he looked so confused and didn't start. I was a bit worried. But once he started, he played perfectly. He arranged the piece in his own way. He played it with both hands.

So far ok as Arata has been learning basic. But even in the next level, which starts from September, it's getting more complicated, especially for ME! I've never learnt piano in my life! I don't know how I will be able to assist Arata when he practices at home.....


佐野 said...


ゆん said...


ちこちゃん、楽譜読めないの? せっかくだから一緒に勉強してみたら? と言う私も、シャープだフラットだが一杯つくとわからないわ(笑)


Laksa said...


