まずペナンでフィジオセラピーは?とIWAで聞いて行ってみたのが、Lor Pantai MolekにあるJennyFit。一時間近く治療するのだが、ほとんどの時間を器械のマッサージで費やし、フィジオセラピストが最後にちょこっと撫でる程度のマッサージをするだけ。終了してベッドから立ち上がった時に全く痛みが軽減されてなくちょっとがっかりした。一回の治療で50RM。
次に行ってみたのは、バリ式マッサージ。腰が痛いので重点的にというと、バリではないがインドネシアから来ている女性のSITIが、丁寧にマッサージしてくれた。直後は体が軽くなって、うわー、ありがとう!という感じ。家に戻って子供の面倒見ていたら元に戻ってしまったが・・・。マッサージは1時間で29RM(GBP5.5 JPY1000)だから腰痛がなくてもなかなかお薦め。(Beauty Specialist Centre, 173 Kelawai)
接骨院ってボーンセッターだから、だから「セットします」かあと納得。ゆがんだ骨格を矯正されたようで、姿勢もよくなった気がして腰が軽くなった。ペナンで腰痛にはここはお薦め。一回30RM(GBP5.5 JPY1000)。何存勝接骨院。Hor Chin Seng Traditional Massage & Bone Setting (7E-1-6 Desa Intan, Lebuhraya Thean Teik, Bandar Baru, Air Itam 11500 Penang, Tel 8266879 11.30am - 5.00 pm & 8.00pm - 10.00pm 土日休 )
This is a rail track Arata proudly made.
In the last month, I have also been suffering from backache. It started during Jason was in the U.K. I'm not quite sure what triggered it. Probably I went to gym too often as most of my friends were back in Japan for summer holiday and I had nobody went out with during day. Or probably I carried my boys too often since Jason was away. Or probably I spent too much time in the sofa doing the internet....
In the first 2 weeks, I couldn't even stand properly, and I've tried a couple of places to try to have it fixed.
My initial idea was looking for a physiotherapist. Someone in IWA knew JennyFit in Lorong Pantai Molek. I went there as soon as I got the number. It was about one hour treatment but a massaging device was attached to my back to give me massage most of the time. Only towards the end of the session, the physiotherapist came in to give me a short massage. When I got up from the bed after the session finished, I didn't feel any difference. It was 50RM (GBP10) per session.
I went to Balinese massage next. I asked the masseuse, not from Bali but still from Indonesia, to concentrate on my back and it was really good. After the massage, my pain had gone. Well, it came back after I came home and started to pick up toys from the floor though. It was an hour session for only 29RM (GBP6). I will probably go there agai to have massage even if I don't have any particular pain. It's so relaxing and cheap. (Beauty Specialist Centre, 173 Kelawai)
Last week, a Japanese friend of mine took me to a bone setter. It was a really interesting experience. The clinic is somewhere in Air Itam, where I don't usually go, and it's in one of the high rises local people live. From the location, I already felt it would work!
We were waiting for our turn in a small room decorated with Chinese red altar and a couple of fish tanks. When my turn came, I lied down on my back in a bed. When I said I've had a backache for a while, the man studied my knees carefully and said, "Knees are usually related to back pains." Then he started to press on my left knee asking, "Pain?" Yes, it was painful. Then he pushed his finger upwards from the knee asking, "Pain?" Yes, yes! Then he pressed on my right knee saying, "No pain?" No, not it's painful. How can he know??
He then rolled my ankles for a while. Then he pressed the same points again asking, "No pain?" Surprisingly it was no longer painful! Another man got into the room. He spoke good Japanese. He said in Japanese, "I'm going to set." What? What did he mean in 'to set'? While one man was holding down my left hip and another man pulled my left leg upwards. They did it on both legs. When finished, they left and female masseuse came to give me very strong back massage after taking off my bra and underweare.
They must have corrected my dislocated bones. After that I felt really good. I felt very light and my posture was upright again. It's highly recommended if you have back or shoulder pains in Penang. Interest experience as well. One session costs 30RM (GBP5.5). Hor Chin Seng Traditional Massage & Bone Setting (7E-1-6 Desa Intan, Lebuhraya Thean Teik, Bandar Baru, Air Itam 11500 Penang, Tel 8266879 11.30am - 5.00 pm & 8.00pm - 10.00pm Sat and Sun closed)
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