ところがロンドンには日系のヘアサロンがたくさんあって、やっぱり日系にはかなわないなというのが私の感想。私のお気に入りだったkissable のナガシマさんに明日にでも切ってもらいたいぐらい。
さて、ここに来て登場してきたのが韓国系のヘアサロン。たまたまプリマタンジョンで見つけた一軒(Hair Story 890-2571)と、直後にもう一軒、アイランドプラザの向いに発見。韓国の美容師さんなら日本人のやり方に一番近そうだし、私の韓国びいきも手伝って、待ちきれず、早速試してみることにした。
Hair Storyは韓国男性のヘアスタイリストでとっても気になるのだが(カットは30RMらしい)、次回に回すことにして、まずアイランドプラザ向いのデサタンジョンにあるコリアナ(Koreana 125P Desa Tanjung, Penang 10470 Tel: 899-3899)に行ってみた。
ここは数週間前に開店したばかりとのことで、美容師のスジ(Suji Park)さんはアラタカラぐらいの年齢の男の子二人を持つワーキングマザー。面白かったのは、彼女、英語が話せない。ところが日本に住んだことがあるから日本語がぺらぺら。アシスタントの韓国人女性は韓国語と中国語しか話さない。スジさんのご主人も英語は話せず、その代わり流暢な名古屋弁を話す。
This is also made by Arata.
When I am overseas, I usually go to look for Chinese hair dressers. Our hair is similar and Chinese hair stylists can do better than Western ones.
But since I moved to London, I've found Japanese hairdressers are the best. I still miss my hair stylist, Nagashima san at Kissable in London....
Unfortunately, there are no Japanese hair salons in Penang. Of course, there are lots of Chinese hair salons and basically they are ok but it's difficult to find someone like Nagashima san....
In Penang, they usually charge us 30RM (GBP5.5 or JPY1000) for hair cut. I've been to Beboo, one of the popular hair salons among Japanese women living here. Their hair stylist, Addy is very good and it was for 30RM for a cut. The problem is they are far from Pulau Tikus.... I've also been to Traders hotel. Hair stylist Francise also has a good reputation. He was good too but I didn't like the idea he started to cut hair before giving it wash. It's bit expensive, 60RM.
Last week, I happened to find 2 Korean hair salons in Tanjung Tokong. One is in Prima Tanjung called Hair Story (Tel: 8902571) and another is also near Island plaza. I believe Korean hair stylists work much similar to Japanese way and decided to try it out.
Hair Story have a Korean male stylist and they charge 30RM for hair cut. It was tempting. But I'll leave it for my next hair cut. This time I went to 'Koreana' (125P Desa Tanjung, Penang 10470 Tel: 899-3899 Open 10am to 8pm Closed on Sunday).
They just opened the salon a couple of weeks ago. The hair stylist Suji (Mrs Suji Park) is a working mother who has 2 boys around Aratakara's age. Interestingly she doesn't speak English. But she speaks Japanese. She's got a Korean assistant but she only speaks Chinese and Korean. (I met Suji's husband as well and he also doesn't speak English although he speaks very good Japanese with Nagoya accent.)
There are lots of Korean living in Penang, some are sending their children to one of the international schools. Apparently there are lots of Japanese in Penang so probably she will have good business here without speaking English? Of course Suji and her husband were saying they want to pick up English while they live here. (They've just mover to Penang from Seoul.)
After my trial... yes, Suji's cut is good. They don't give us very typical Malaysian head spa, hair wash while sitting in the chair, but still not bad. It's 35RM for hair cut. Suji said one of her customers when she was in Seoul long time ago was Ahn Jae Wook, one of my favourite Korean actors and this conversation added more good impression on her salon!
Do you still go to this salon? is it nice?Thanks.
Read your recommendation.I find it is very helpful as i am really looking for a good stylist as I have never found one that is good in PJ. Since i have been watching many Korean movies, I found the cutting of the Korean Stars are so good.For sure, i would want to try this too.
Thanks for your recommendation.
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