ボリウッドダンスは、インストラクターのNiloferがLet's Dance Studio だけではなくYMCAでもクラス(写真)を始めたので、私もそちらに移ったが、ここ数ヶ月クラスがなく、来週は久しぶりにあるから楽しみ。
昼間にクラスがあったら、もっと行き易いのにと思っていたらベリーダンスが専門のAzlinaが昼にBollywood Dance クラスを始めるという。まあ、Niloferの方はインド人でボリウッド音楽の言語であるヒンディー語の講師でもあるから、こちらが「本場」で、マレーシア人の生徒が多い。Azlinaは駐在員妻狙いだろうが、ちょっと興味あり。
My new year's resolution was "doing volunteer works and learning Bollywood dancing."
Volunteer works. I don't go to WCC or CPS so much now. But I'm still in IWA board. It's probably because my main responsibility there is maintaining database, my previous career IT related, and I find it fun.
Bollywood dance. I first joined Let's Dance Studio. But Nilofer, our instructor, later opened another class at YMCA and I moved there too (please see the photo). But in the last 2 months, classes have been cancelled. I am looking forwar to next Monday when she is starting her class again.
Penang is not so big so I couldn't find any morning Bollywood dance classes. But if there were any, it would be easier for me to go, I've been thinking. Now Azlina, who is specialised in Belly dance, is going to have her Bollywood dance class in one morning.
Of course, Nilofer is more 'original' as she is from India and she is an Hindi, the language of Bollywood films, teacher as well. So most of the students are Malaysian. I assume Azlina is targeting expatriate women as she is already widely known among us as a brilliant belly dance teacher. But I am still interested in Azlina's class as well. I will go for the trial this week!
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